Payroll Management

To succeed in a world with greater time demands and leaner profit margins, we must find alternatives to the way we do business. One alternative is to simplify our work environment by outsourcing non-core functions, such as payroll. Whether you’re a one-person company or you employ several hundred, time is valuable.  Payroll Management guarantees you will save time by reducing the hours spent producing payroll information and preparing payroll registers, quarterly, and yearly to date payroll reports. We offer individual solutions to your payroll problems, allowing you to stay focused on your success.

♦ Can add and access the employee’s information, control, sort, analyze, and take action on the data instantly.
♦ Create custom user groups with different levels of control access for different types of users.
♦ Can allocate and change the holidays for a particular employee in particular month within one click.
♦ Generate payslips with all increments and tax deductions according to your organisation.
♦ Employee’s attendance report, leave reports, performance report for day to day, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annually can be downloaded.

It’s time to save time on your payroll processing, Contact us